
10 Gardening Jobs to Do Before Spring Arrives

Here are some of the best and most useful gardening jobs you can do before spring arrives:

1. Weeding

Winter is a time of rest for a lot of plants, and this includes weeds as well. Just like most other plants, weeds grow slower during winter, and they’re less likely to grow and spread during this season. Take advantage of this slow growth and do some weeding in your garden. You’ll find it easier to tame heavily weeded areas so you can nip the problem in the bud (figuratively and literally) before they bring back their usual chaos in the spring.

2. Repotting

Got any plants you’ve always wanted to repot but just never got around to doing it? Do it before winter ends to make it easier! During winter, root growth also slows down, making it easier for you to repot plants without stressing them out too much. When repotting a plant, don’t forget to prune about 20% of the roots so that there’s enough space for the plant to take hold in the new pot once it grows normally again.

3. Pruning

You don’t normally associate pruning with the winter season, but it’s actually one of the best times in the year to do so. With fewer leaves on your trees and plants, you can prune branches and outlying parts more easily. Fewer leaves on your trees and plants also means you can more easily modify their structure according to how you want them to grow and look.

4. Mulching

MulchAlthough mulching is often done during the warmer months of spring and summer, mulching during winter also offers some benefits to your plants. Depending on where you live and how cold winter can get in your part of the state, mulch can protect your plants from winter frosts and help prepare them for spring. In warmer areas, mulching can also be used to help keep your soil cool and shield it from the sun during sunny days. Mulching also helps preserve water in your soil, keeping it sufficiently damp until things get back to normal.

5. Composting

Composting during winter may require more effort, but it makes up for it by giving you more materials to work with. Late winter is a good time to collect twigs, branches, leaves, and other materials that make excellent compost materials. Composting during this colder time also means you won’t have to worry about your compost drying up or overheating like it tends to do during hotter seasons.

6. Aerating Your Soil

Winter is a great time to aerate your lawn because there’s much less foot traffic and soil compaction in your garden during this season. So make sure to aerate your garden soil before more activity comes along during spring. Aerating your soil will help ease highly compacted soil in your garden, and it can help you identify drainage problems that may be present. You can aerate your soil by poking a garden fork deeply and evenly across the affected area. In some cases (especially larger lawns), you might even need to use aeration machines or the help of professionals.

7. Tool Maintenance

During the late stages of winter, your tools have probably been having a good rest. Although it’s good to give your tools a break during winter, it doesn’t mean you should forget about them completely. Instead, make sure that you give them a good cleaning and maintenance check before spring comes.

Late winter is probably one of the last times you can clean your tools thoroughly without rushing, so make the most of this time to care for your tools. Take the time to inspect them and make sure they’re in proper working order. That way, they’ll be good to go the moment spring arrives, and you won’t have to spend bright sunny days in the shed cleaning your tools.

8. Feeding

Some plants need to be fed during the winter season if you want them to bloom majestically during spring and summer. If you have plants like these, don’t forget to feed them with appropriate fertiliser ahead of time. Roses, daffodils, and spring bulbs are some of the most common types of plants that could benefit from feeding before spring.

9. Sowing seeds

Late winter is a great time to sow seeds for annuals and similar plants that live seasonally. By sowing them during late winter, their seeds will be strong and well-adapted to the soil come spring time. Some of the best plants to plant and sow during this time include sweet peas, petunia, marigolds, and pansies.

10. Garden Prepping

Don’t wait for spring to arrive before you actually start working on your garden again. Instead, get a head start and prepare your garden well before the first day of spring. That way, you won’t overload yourself with gardening work when spring shows up. Late winter is a great time to start prepping your garden for spring since most of your trees and plants would still be resting, giving you better time and space to plan your activities.

Aside from routine maintenance work such as cleaning pathways and clearing debris, you should also plan ahead on how to grow and maintain your garden for the rest of the year. Remember that plants burst to life during spring, and it’s best you’re prepared for that before it happens.

When it comes to your garden, a little advanced work goes a long way. This is even truer during winter when most of your garden is inactive and just waiting for spring to arrive. If you tend to your garden even when it’s “asleep” during winter, you’ll be surprised how lively and beautiful it can be once spring and summer roll around.

If you need professional help getting your garden ready for spring, don’t be afraid to get help from professionals. That way, you can be sure your garden is as ready as it can be once spring arrives.

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