Are Trees Damaging Your Home?

Weakening the Foundation

One of the biggest dangers that trees pose to homes and buildings is the weakening of the surrounding soil.

Trees, like most other plants, have root systems that frequently branch out in search of water and nutrients. As these root systems extend and grow, they eventually displace the surrounding soil. This, in turn, affects the soil’s integrity and strength.

In many cases, the displacement of soil underground may not be an issue. But when the affected soil involves the foundation of homes and buildings, then it can be a huge concern. If tree roots extend well into the foundation of your house, then your home’s structural integrity may be compromised.

It’s important to note that the roots themselves don’t normally damage houses and buildings. Rather, it’s the displacement of soil and the way it affects the foundation of buildings that are the real problems.

How’s Your Plumbing?

Aside from the foundation of homes and buildings, tree roots are also notorious for affecting plumbing and drainage systems.

Tree roots are powerful and resourceful things, and they can easily grow even in the most unlikely places. Drainage field pipes, for example, make excellent spots for tree roots to settle in. When these spaces in the pipes are taken over by roots, they can get blocked up or even split altogether.

Keep in mind that plumbing systems, drainage pipes, and similar structures are prime targets for root systems because roots are always looking for sources of water. If you have trees growing near important plumbing and drainage systems, then be aware that they may cause problems in the future.

All Eyes on Me

One thing many people don’t realise about trees is just how resource-intensive they can be.

Trees need sun, water, and soil nutrients to grow properly, and they could die without adequate amounts of these resources. Naturally, trees and plants in your garden often compete for these resources, especially in times when the supply is low (e.g. droughts).

When large trees take up most of these resources for themselves, smaller plants and trees will have less to live on. If the situation is bad enough, then it can lead to surrounding trees and plants from dying. This can damage the state and health of your garden, which then affects the value of your property.

This isn’t helped by the fact that some types of trees require more water and nutrients than others, and they can be more aggressive in getting the resources they need to survive. So if you have trees near your home, try to be aware of what resources they require and how they interact with your surrounding plants and trees.

Break Windows and Roofs

Trees often look so beautiful that it’s easy to forget their shortcomings and potential issues.

Sprawling branches, for example, may look wonderful from a glance, but they can also be potential hazards under the right circumstances. These parts are known to push on windows, roofs, and drainage pipes, especially when the tree is located right beside a house. Dead or damaged branches, meanwhile, are prone to breaking off and falling, which could damage or hurt whatever (or whoever) is underneath.

Is it Too Late to Fix it?

If a tree has damaged your home or you suspect it may cause damage soon, then it’s best that you consult with specialists as soon as possible. Professional tree removalists can prune, cut, or even completely remove trees – depending on what’s best for your home and property.

As always, prevention is much better than cure. Don’t wait for trees to damage your home before doing something about it. Be aware of how your trees are growing, and have a tree specialist come in if you suspect any part of it may cause a problem.

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